Imagine if you could reduce the hours you spend each week on bookkeeping activities for your small business. Like you, many small business owners share similar frustrations regarding invoicing, chasing payments and reconciling payment receipts against bank statements. These are essential tasks for successful business management. However, they are often time-consuming and draw your attention away from your core customer service delivery functions.
By reducing the time you spend on these activities, you can free up your time to better serve your customers. Integrated business management software provides you with the tools you need to get these jobs done quickly.
Sending invoices to customers is an essential task, because without invoicing, you do not get paid. Prompt invoicing has a positive impact on your business cash flow as the sooner an invoice is issued to your customer, the earlier they are likely to pay it. This provides money for you to settle your own accounts with.
It might be challenging to keep track of which services you have provided to a large number of clients. This is more difficult if you need to track cancellation fees as well as fees for services provided.
The Pencil In app has integrated software to connect your bookings, cancellation and attendance records with your invoicing function so that you can promptly and accurately invoice your customers.
Accounts Receivable Management
Keeping track of which customers have paid their bills and who still needs to pay creates headaches for many small business owners like you.
The Pencil In app gathers all of your data into one location that is integrated with your customer contact information. You can quickly identify who has outstanding accounts and send them a reminder for payment.
Bank Reconciliations
Matching payment receipts with your banking records is an essential weekly job that does not provide day to day value to your customers. It is, however, an essential part of maintaining good accounting records. Use the Pencil In app to complete this task quickly and easily.
Follow this link http://www.pencilinapp.com/ to discover how the Pencil In app can simplify your small business accountancy functions.